On Wednesday, May 10, 2023. the last masterclass for the winter season took place at the Miele experience center in Split. Four masterclasses in the winter season were led by San Rocco, Navis, Foša and konoba Boba! We can't wait for the continuation of the masterclasses in the new season, which we start again at the end of October.
On Wednesday, May 10, 2023. the last masterclass for the winter season took place at the Miele experience center in Split. The presenters of the last masterclass were the chef and owners of the tavern Boba from the island of Murter in cooperation with the winery Senjković and small producers Beef shop.
Chef Vjeko prepared three dishes based on the Beef shop products. To begin with, we tasted the beef carpaccio, which we paired with the young Testament of the Senjković winery. After the carpaccio, Vjeko made lamb meatballs with šalsa which we drank from Senjković Winery's Rose. At the end of the masterclass, we enjoyed great Bosso wine from Senjković winery with beef shop steaks.
Each masterclass is organized so that it is led by one of our JRE-Hr chefs who uses ingredients from small producers in the preparation of his dishes. The partners of the association are small producers and winemakers whose products are tasted at our masterclasses in cooperation with Miele partners.
This masterclass closed the winter season, and the re-opening of the masterclass will be at the end of October!

U srijedu, 10.5.2023. održao se posljednji po redu masterclass za zimsku sezonu u Miele experience centru u Splitu. Voditelji posljednjeg masterclassa bili su chef i vlasnike konobe Boba sa otoka Murtera u suradnju sa vinarijom Senjković i malim proizvođačima Beef shop.
Chef Vjeko je pripremio čak tri jela koja su se bazirala na proizvodima Beef shopa. Za početak smo kušali juneći carpaccio kojeg smo uparivali sa mladim pošipom Testament vinarije Senjković. Nakon carpaccia Vjeko je napravio janjeće mesne okruglice sa šalšom zu kojeg smo pili Rose vinarije Senjković. Za kraj samog masterclassa uživali smo u velikom vinu Bosso vinarije Senjković sa steakovima Beef shopa.
Svaki masterclass organiziran je tako da ga predvodi jedan od naših JRE-Hr chefova koji koristi namirnice malih proizvođača u pripremi svojih jela. Partneri udruge su mali proizvođači i vinari čiji se proizvodi kušaju na našim masterclassevima u suradnji sa Miele partnerima.
Ovaj masterclass je zatvorio zimsku sezonu, a ponovno otvorenje masterclassa biti će krajem mjeseca listopada!