All Passion week activations with Mastercard for the summer season have been completed. See you in October.
Long-term cooperation with Matercard is developing from year to year and brings together, discovers and retains food and wine lovers who have special opportunities and offers created in cooperation between the association JRE-Croatia and Mastercard Hr.
Passion week by mastercard is the name of a special project in which all guests can enjoy the experience of JRE-Hr restaurant but at much better prices.
3-course menu created by top chefs at a price of only 350 kn per person.
We are glad to have delighted you with this offer and we are continuing it again in October when the activation of Passion week with Mastercard continues!
Thank you to Mastercard Hr partners for their loyalty and we look forward to all new joint projects ?

Završene su sve Passion week aktivacije sa Mastercardom za ljetnu sezonu. Vidimo se u listopadu.
Dugogodišnja suradnja sa Matercardom razvija se iz godine u godinu te okuplja, otkriva i zadržava ljubitelje hrane i vina koji imaju posebne mogućnosti i ponude kreirane u suradnji između udruge JRE-Hrvatska i Mastercard Hr.
Passion week by mastercard naziv je posebnog projekta u kojem svi gosti mogu uživati u iskustvu JRE-Hr restorana ali po znatno povoljnijim cijenama.
Menu od 3 sljeda kreiran od strane vrhunskih chefova po cijeni od samo 350 kn po osobi.
Drago nam je što smo Vas razveselili sa ovom ponudom te ju opet nastavljamo i u mjesecu listopadu kad se nastavlja aktivacija Passion week-a with Mastercard!
Hvala partnerima Mastercard Hr na vjernosti i veselimo se svim novim zajedničkim projektima ?