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Event • September 26th, 2023

JRE Tastes of Solidarity

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Miele Experience Center Ljubljana

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We invite you to a culinary evening where exquisite flavors and solidarity intertwine. Five distinguished JRE chefs – Igor Jagodic, Marko Pavčnik, Martina Breznik, Marko Magajne, and Jure Brložnik – will curate a 5-course menu paired with wines. The funds raised during this event will be dedicated to the restoration of areas affected by recent floods in Slovenia.

The menu price is 120 EUR per person, including wine pairing. The event has limited seating for a maximum of 30 people. For more information and reservations, please contact us at a.hotko@jre.si.

Vabimo vas na kulinarični večer, kjer se bodo prepletli vrhunski okusi in solidarnost. Pet vrhunskih JRE chefov: Igor Jagodic, Marko Pavčnik, Martina Breznik, Marko Magajne in Jure Brložnik bo pripravilo 5-hodni meni z vinsko spremljavo. Sredstva, zbrana na tem večeru, bodo namenjena obnovi območij, prizadetih ob nedavnih poplavah.

Cena menija je 120 eur/osebo z vinsko spremljavo, število mest je omejeno na maksimalno 30 oseb. Več informacij in prijave e-naslovu: a.hotko@jre.si.