The second Miele masterclass took place on 13.4. at the Miele experience center in Zagreb starting at 5 p.m. We hosted the famous chef Bernard Korak who prepared chicken from the family farm PG Orehovec, and the Sontacchi brothers took care of the wines by the glass. A new concept of Miele masterclasses in which one JRE chef participates together with a small producer and one winemaker who are part of our JRE family.
Pg Orehovec from a small town near Ludbreg presented his duck pate, clean, with pumpkin or truffles .. Try and find out which ones are your favorites? Along with pate, they also make their own duck prosciutto, and you can find all their products in the nearby Metro Center. We tasted the pate on the warm bread of the famous Kroštula from Pakoštane, and with it is the inevitable olive oil that we created in collaboration with the Chiavalon oil mill.

The guests had a private showroom of plates of the famous Slovenian duo Dušan and Leon from the Duke group, where they could choose their personal plate on the spot where chef Bernard will serve them the main course. Brothers Kruno and Antun from the family winery Sontacchi from Kutjevo enchanted us at the beginning with their Pet nat and later the young Graševina and Superslav and Pinot Noir who drank from Lehman glasses of partner Atrox. Chef Bernard used spices from the Nikas range, and our long-term partner Franck took care of the warm pleasure at the end of the evening, whose bartender prepared their new line of specialty coffee for all guests. See how the chicken went in combination with Pinot Noir and how we had fun at the Miele masterclass in the photo gallery ?
Drugi po redu Miele masterclass održao se 13.4. u Miele experience centru u Zagrebu s početkom u 17 h. Ugostili smo poznatog chefa Bernarda Koraka koji je pripremao piceka sa obiteljske farme PG orehovec, a braća Sontacchi pobrinula su se za vina u čašama. Novi koncept Miele masterclasseva u kojima sudjeluje jedan JRE chef zajedno sa malim proizvođačem i jednim vinarem koji su dio naše JRE obitelji.
Pg Orehovec iz malog mjesta pokraj Ludbrega prezentirao je svoje paštete koje radi od patke, čiste, sa bučom ili tartufima.. Probajte i otkrijte koje su Vama omiljene? Uz paštete rade i svoj pršut od patke, a sve njihove proizvode možete pronaći u obližnjem Metro centru. Paštete smo kušali na topli kruh poznate Kroštule iz Pakoštana a s njim je i ne obilazno maslinovo ulje koje smo kreirali u suradnji sa Chiavalon uljarom.

Gosti su imali privatni showroom tanjura poznatog slovenskog dvojca Dušana i Leona iz Duke group, gdje su mogli na licu mjesta odabrati svoj osobni tanjur na kojima će im chef Bernard servirati glavno jelo. Braća Kruno i Antun iz obiteljske vinarije Sontacchi iz Kutjeva očarali su nas već na početku sa svojim Pet natom a kasnije i mladom Graševinom te Superslavom i Crnim pinotom koji su se ispijali iz Lehman čaša partnera Atrox. Chef Bernard koristio je začine iz asortimana Nikas, a za topli užitak na kraju večeri pobrinuo se naš dugogodišnji partner Franck čiji je barmen pripremio za sve uzvanike njihovu novu liniju speciality kave. Kako je prošao picek u kombinaciji sa Crnim pinotom i kako smo se zabavili na Miele masterclassu pogledajte u galeriji fotografija ?