We were happy to welcome this season's first masterclass in cooperation with Miele kitchens. After the end of the summer, we start with gatherings in the Miele experience centers in Zagreb and Split. Masterclasses in the autumn/winter season opened their doors in the Miele center in Split, where we were welcomed by the Lemongarden restaurant. The Lemongarden restaurant and hotel is a member of the JRE-Croatia association since 2024, and this was their first masterclass in Miele kitchens.
Chef Ante Udovičić and his pastry chef Luka Pavić prepared an unforgettable experience for all guests. In cooperation with the small producers of Taman chocolates, who are partners of our association, they prepared a 3-course menu with the partner's food included - chocolate!
The wines of the Senjković winery perfectly rounded off every plate we tasted, and below we present what our chefs and partners prepared for us! Welcome with Spoža rosé and homemade grissina & chia tacos with beetroot tartar and basil mayonnaise. We knew right away that the masterclass would be fantastic!

After that, we tasted ceviche of Adriatic sea bass from our partner Marfish with orange, vanilla and chocolate emulsion.
Taman chocolates INDIA Kerala 73% chocolate was used, chocolate made from organic cacao trees from the Idukki region, pronounced citrus aromas and smooth creamy texture.
All chocolates are made from cocoa trees of controlled origin, made in micro-lots, and all have been awarded at international competitions...
For the main course, we tried lamb with butter and potato foam, lamb demi-glace enriched with Tanzanian Taman chocolates and amarena cherries.
Taman chocolates TANZANIA 72%, made from cocoa beans of organic origin grown in the Kilombero Valley by the world-famous social organization Kokoa Kamili, has a mild taste, with pronounced aromas of cocoa and fresh cherries. With the main course, we combined two red wines from the Senjković winery: Bosso and Bročka ric. Both wines are made from the autochthonous Dalmatian variety Plavac mali.

Finally, Magdalena and Saša from the Senjković winery surprised us with their Vermouth! The second edition of Vermouth made by the Senjlvić winery in combination with tonic refreshed our palates and prepared us for dessert.
Luka, Lemongarden's pastry chef, prepared a chocolate rhapsody with almonds. The chocolate FILIPINI 74% was used, from a special selection of five selected types of cacao trees from the Davao region, which is processed by the social company Mana, it has pronounced flavors of dried fruits such as figs and dates, mild and pleasant bitterness and fresh fruit acids in the aftertaste.
Before leaving, we also enjoyed the award-winning cremino truffles, the so-called. Award Winning Selection in three flavors:
Hazelnut with salt flower and crispy biscuit
Almonds with coconut, lemon and Bourbon vanilla
Almonds with orange and cocoa
In the photo gallery, see how we had a good time, and we hereby invite you to join us on our journey with Miele kitchens and register your arrival!
We would like to thank the partners whose products we use at the masterclasses:
- METRO CROATIA (all groceries)
- CHIAVALON (olive oil)
- PAGO CROATIA (San Pellegrino water)
- ATROX (Lehmann wine glasses)
The first two registrations win free participation in the masterclass of their choice!

Sa veseljem smo dočekali prvi ovosezonski masterclass u suradnji sa Miele kuhinjama. Nakon završetka ljeta, započinjemo sa druženjima u Miele experience centrima Zagrebu i Splitu.
Masterclassevi u sezoni jesen / zima otvorili su svoja vrata u Miele centru u Splitu gdje nas je dočekao restoran Lemongarden.
Restoran i hotel Lemongarden član je udruge JRE-Hrvatska od ove 2024. godine te im je ovo bio prvi masterclass u Miele kuhinjama.
Chef kuhinje Ante Udovičić i njegov pastry chef Luka Pavić pripremili su nezaboravno iskustvo za sve goste. U suradnji sa malim proizvođačima Taman chocolates koji su partneri naše udruge, pripremili su menu od 3 slijeda sa uključenom namirnicom partnera – čokoladom!
Vina vinarije Senjković savršeno su zaokružila svaki tanjur koji smo kušali a u nastavku donosimo što su nam sve naši chefovi i partneri priredili!
Dobrodošlica uz Spoža roze te domaće grissine & chia tacose sa tartarom od cikle i majonezom od bosiljka. Znali smo da odmah da će masterclass biti fantastičan!
Nakon tog kušali smo ceviche od jadranskog brancina partnera Marfish uz emulziju od naranče,vanilije i čokoladom.
Korištena je čokolada Taman chocolates INDIA Kerala 73%, čokolada napravljena od organskog kakaovca iz regije Idukki, izraženih citrusnih aroma te glatke kremaste teksture.
Sve čokolade su napravljene od kakaovca kontroliranog podrijetla, izrađene u micro-lotovima, a sve su nagrađene na međunarodnim natjecanjima...
Za glavno jelo kušali smo janjetinu sa pjenom od maslaca i krumpira, janjeći demi-glace obogaćen tanzania Taman chocolates i amarena višnjama.
Taman chocolates TANZANIA 72%, napravljena od kakovca organskog podrijetla uzgojenog u dolini Kilombero od strane svjetski poznate društvene organizacije Kokoa Kamili, blagih je okusa, s izraženim aromama kakaa i svježih višanja. Uz glavno jelo kombinirali smo dva crna vina vinarije Senjković: Bosso i Bročka rić. Oba dva vina napravljena su od autohtone dalmatinske sorte Plavac mali.
Za kraj, Magdalena i Saša iz vinarije Senjković iznenadili su nas sa njihovim Vermouthom! Druga edicija Vermoutha napravljenog og strane vinarije senjlvić u kombinaciji sa tonikom osvježio je naša nepca i pripremio nas na desert. Luka, pastry chef Lemongardena pripremip je čokoladnu rapsodiju sa bademima. Korištena je čokolada FILIPINI 74%, od posebne selekcija pet probranih vrsta kakaovca iz regije Davao koje obrađuje društvena tvrtka Mana, izraženih je okusa suhog voća poput smokava i datulja, blage i ugodne gorčine te svježih voćnih kiselina u aftertasteu.
Prije odlaska uživali smo i u nagrađivanim cremino trufflese, tzv. Award Winning Selection u tri okusa:
Lješnjak s cvijetom soli i hrskavim biskvitom
Badem s kokosom, limunom i Bourbon vanilijom
Badem s narančom i kakaom
U fotogaleriji pogledajte kako smo se proveli, a mi Vas ovim putem pozivamo da nam se pridružite na našem putovanju uz Miele kuhinje te prijavite Vaš dolazak!
Ovim putem se zahvaljujemo partnerima čije proizvode koristimo na masterclassevima:
METRO HRVATSKA (sve namirnice)
CHIAVALON (maslinovo ulje)
PAGO CROATIA ( voda San Pellegrino)
ATROX ( vinske čaše Lehmann)
Prve dvije prijave osvajaju besplatno sudjelovanje na masterclassu po njihovj želji!