Keanu Reeves at the Design Hotel Navis and JRE restaurant Navis on Kvarner
More and more Hollywood stars perceive Croatia as a new lifestyle and gourmet region in Europe. One of the hot spots is Kvarner, where the charismatic actor Keanu Reeves, world-famous through the Matrix trilogy, discovered the designer hotel Navis.
The 5-star hotel, located like a swallow's nest on a rock right next to the sea, is one of the top architectural icons of contemporary Croatian tourism. The restaurant enjoys a great reputation, and patron Davor Kapetanović is also a member of the European association of top chefs Jeunes Restaurateurs (JRE).
Reeves was equally enthusiastic about the modern, creative Adriatic cuisine with seafood from Kvarner as well as the apartments, which convey the sea panorama from the cruise with their wide window facades.
Known for his passion for speed and motorsport on four and two wheels, the Hollywood star was also delighted with the stories surrounding the legendary Preluk racetrack, which is obviously on a public road, and the nearby Grobnik racetrack. Hotel Navis is located in Preluk itself, near "Opatija Okuka", which also impressed Reeves:
"This combination is really hard to find in the world, except maybe in Monte Carlo."

Keanu Reeves u dizajnerskom hotelu i JRE restoranu Navis na Kvarneru

Sve više holivudskih zvijezda doživljava Hrvatsku kao novu lifestyle i gourmet regiju u Europi. Jedna od vrućih točaka je Kvarner, gdje je karizmatični glumac Keanu Reeves, svjetski poznat po trilogiji Matrix, otkrio dizajnerski hotel Navis.
Hotel s 5 zvjezdica, smješten poput lastavičijeg gnijezda na stijeni tik uz more, jedna je od vrhunskih arhitektonskih ikona suvremenog hrvatskog turizma. Restoran uživa veliki ugled, a pokrovitelj Davor Kapetanović član je i europskog udruženja vrhunskih kuhara Jeunes Restaurateurs (JRE). Reeves je bio jednako oduševljen modernom, kreativnom jadranskom kuhinjom s plodovima mora s Kvarnera kao i apartmanima koji svojim širokim prozorskim pročeljima prenose panoramu mora s krstarenja. Poznat po svojoj strasti prema brzini i motosportu na četiri i dva kotača, holivudsku zvijezdu oduševile su i priče oko legendarnog autodroma Preluk, koji je očito na javnoj cesti, te obližnjeg autodroma Grobnik. Hotel Navis nalazi se na samom Preluku, u blizini "Opatijske okuke", što se također dojmilo Reevesa: "Ovu kombinaciju je zaista teško pronaći u svijetu, osim možda u Monte Carlu."