Mangiare Bene Bere Bene
A three-day of food and wine culture, inclusive and supportive. Within the historic walls of the Old Fortress, available thanks to the collaboration with the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, the public present will be able to participate, for the entire duration of the event, in tasting and food stands, divided into 5 thematic areas -sushi and raw seafood, cheeses, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free, cutting boards, tartare and tasty gourmet sandwiches- and wine, with the presence of producers, ready to tell about their work and the fruits of their land.
Wine, with the presence of producers, ready to tell about their work and the fruits of their land.
The big names in starred restaurants and sommeliers On Friday 24 and Sunday 26 June, Chef Filippo Saporito from La Leggenda dei Frati will take turns in a significant relish of taste, for the creation of starred dishes, which will be paired with three different wines, in search of the perfect match, thanks to the collaboration of as many sommeliers, oenologists and industry journalists. On Saturday 25th, instead, space for wine pairings with the excellences of the table present in the tasting counters, but also with other products such as cigars, in collaboration with Manifattura Sigaro Toscano. Also on the program are three Masterclasses dedicated to the dishes of the Labron area made by renowned local chefs: Simone Gambini, Simone Acquarelli, Gabriele Polonia.