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news • March 2nd, 2023

Premium partnership with Nova KBM under the new OTP look

Collaborations and partnerships make for great stories and the success of the JRE x NKBM partnership is proof of that.

Collaborations and partnerships make for great stories and the success of the JRE x NKBM partnership is proof of that. Nova KBM offers Premium Personal Banking customers exclusive benefits and experiences such as gifts when visiting JRE restaurants, attending cooking masterclasses and other JRE events. We are also co-developing the following projects and events:

We are thrilled to host a number of events with a team of bankers who believe today's customers want more. 

Povezovanje in sodelovanje prinašata odlične zgodbe in prav rezultat tega je uspešno partnerstvo med JRE x NKBM. Nova KBM strankam Premium osebnega bančništva omogoča posebne ugodnosti in doživetja: darilo ob obisku JRE restavracij in obisk kulinaričnih masterclassov in ostalih JRE dogodkov. Skupaj pa razvijamo tudi naslednje projekte in dogodke: vinske zgodbe, ki ponašajo glas o slovenskih vinih po vsej Evropi in Unbreakable - skodelice za plačevanje računov. V izjemno veselje pa nam je organizacija številnih dogodkov skupaj z ekipo bančnikov, ki verjame, da stranke danes zahtevajo veliko in da jim to tudi skupaj dostavimo.