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recipe • DessertsCheese

Parmigiano Reggiano 40 months with rosemary & fig ice cream cake

Category DessertsCheese

Our top chef Saša Began from restaurant Foša in Croatia shows us one of his favourite recipes so you can recreate it yourself. In this exclusive recipe, he shows you how to create mouth-watering ​​rosemary fig ice cream cake. The secret ingredient in this recipe is 40-month old Parmigiano Reggiano. This cheese is crumbly and grainy, with aromas of strong spices and nuts, and will taste amazing together with the rosemary and fig.

Ice cream

Mix the sugar, 1 dl cream and Parmigiano Reggiano together and heat the pan at 80°C. Meanwhile, whip the rest of the cream until smooth. When the base cools down, mix everything together and add the fig balsamic vinegar.

50 g Sugar
500 g Parmigiano Reggiano 40 months
2 Egg yolks
3 dl Full-fat cream without sugar
3 cl Fig balsamic vinegar


Mix all ingredients together and let the dough rest in the fridge for half an hour.

100 g Flour type 550
500 g Parmigiano Reggiano 40 months, grated
1 Egg
70 g Butter
Rosemary aroma


Heat the sugar in a pan until it’s caramelized. Next, add the figs and cover the whole with prosecco and wine. Let it cook for ten minutes.   Then, take one layer of dough, place this into the desired mould. Add the fig filling and grate the rest of the dough on top. Bake for about 20 minutes. Serve with ice cream, and cover with sweet sauce.

50 g Sugar
100 g Figs
100 cl Prosecco
100 cl Wine
30 cl Fig liquor

You can now serve this delicious dish by combining everything on a deep plate.

Dobar tek!