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recipe • Fish / ShellfishCheese

Parmigiano Reggiano 40 months with oysters velouté, trout in juniper butter, parmesan cream & polenta chips

Category Fish / ShellfishCheese
Persons 4

In this exclusive recipe, Austrian top chef Sören Herzig from restaurant Herzig shows you how to make oysters velouté with trout in juniper butter, polenta chips, and parmesan cream with 40-month old Parmigiano Reggiano.  This exquisite parmesan cheese is unique and inimitable. It is exclusively produced in a small area of northern Italy by more than 300 artisanal dairy farms that follow centuries-old production methods. Let’s turn this authentic Italian ingredient into a delicious meal and start cooking!

Oyster Veloute

Start by frying the shallots in 50g butter. Deglaze them with Noilly Prat, white wine, and verjus. Reduce the liquid and fill up with dashi, then let it simmer a little. Mix the tarragon in and let it steep for 30 minutes.   Pass the stock and assemble with butter and crème fraîche. Next, carefully open the oysters. Mix in the oyster meat and juice just before serving. Season to taste with sea salt and lemon juice.

100 g Shallots, diced
200 g Butter
50 ml Noilly Prat
100 ml White Wine
100 ml Verjus
500 ml Dashi
0,5 bunch Tarragon
50 g Crème Fraîche
2 pcs Gillardeau Oysters
Sea Salt
Lemon Juice

Trout with juniper butter

Cold smoke the butter with a smoking pipe and clarify. Heat it up to 80°C, together with the nut butter and smoked oil. Then add the juniper and thyme and let it steep for 30 minutes. After this, carefully strain the butter and set it aside until ready to use.    Next, portion the trout fillets. Heat the butter to 48°C and add the fillets. After about 6-8 minutes, remove the filets at a core temperature of 42°C.

200 g Trout fillets
250 g Butter
50 g Nut butter
50 g Smoked Oil
4 sprig Thyme
8 g Juniper, crushed & roasted

Parmesan Cream

Simply mix all ingredients in the Thermomix at 80°C until you have a creamy consistency.

300 g Parmigiano Reggiano 40 m.
150 g Butter, soft
1 Egg

Polenta Chips

Mix all the dry ingredients. Bring the water to a boil, add the dry ingredients and let them soak briefly. Next, mix the sticky mass carefully and spread it out inside a mold while it’s still warm. Let it dry for about 5 hours in a warm place. After 5 hours, fry the mixture in hot oil at 180°C so that it puffs up.    After this, boil the quinoa in water until it’s soft. Then strain the quinoa, rinse with cold water and pat dry. Spread it out evenly on baking paper and dry for about 2 hours. Fry until crispy at 200°C.

200 g Water
50 g Polenta
10 g Potato starch
100 g Quinoa
1 g Salt
1 l Fat for deep-frying

Now it’s time to enjoy your delicious meal!

Guten Appetit!