On Wednesday, April 12, 2023. the second Masterclass in a row took place in cooperation with the restaurant association JRE-Hvratska and Miele-Hr. At the Miele experience center in Split, starting at 5:00 p.m., we were welcomed by the Foša restaurant from Zadar, Stone cheese and Korta Katarina winery.
During the year, the restaurant association JRE-Hr in cooperation with partners Miele holds as many as 8 masterclasses divided into the regions of Split and Zagreb. The Masterclass is closed, held for only 10 people who can attend this exclusive event.
Each masterclass has a JRE Chef and restaurant, small producers and winemakers who are partners of the association. This masterclass was held at the Miele experience center in Zagreb on April 25. Navis restaurant, Ipša winery, small producers Sin Ravnica and partners Old Pilots participated!
You too can participate in the next one that will be held on Wednesday, May 10. in the Miele experience center in Split. Sign up sending an email to
Konoba Boba is waiting for us in Split with owner and chef Vjek Bašić, who will prepare a menu with products from the Beef shop, and everything will be accompanied by the Senjković winery.

We started the welcome and aperitif with the famous Old Pilots producers of gin and vodka, which have been awarded several times, and the special exclusive is that Old pilots and the JRE association have created a special edition of JRE Old pilots vodka, available in all 14 JRE-Hr restaurants and in the Old pilots tasting room!
In addition to good cocktails prepared for us by Old Pilots bartender Darko Uremović, we also met winemaker Ipša. Sparkling wine from Malvasia, macerated Malvasia from 2016 and Santa Elena black blend of Merlot and Refoška particularly delighted us.
With cocktails and wines, we mingled with small producers of Sin Ravnica, who brought with them a number of cured meat products. We tasted one part while the other part was being prepared under the skilled guidance of chef Tino Sinožić from the restaurant and hotel Navis from Opatija. Tino and his team from Navis prepared two dishes.
First, we tasted squid with celery, fermented garlic, potato chips and kulen meat, and some of the components of the dish were food from small producers. That's how Tino made kulen mayonnaise from the small producer Sin Ravnica.
For the main course, we tried tomahawk steaks from small producers with parsnips, potato cake and chicory chips! All masterclasses are of an educational nature, and the JRE-Croatia association invites all gastronomy lovers to join them.
Posljednji po redu masterclass u suradnji udruge restorana JRE-Hrvatska i Miele kuhinja održao se u Miele experience centru u Zagrebu, 25.4.2023. godine.
Kad kažemo posljednji mislimo na posljednji za zimsku 2023. sezonu u Zagrebu. Za zatvaranje zimske sezone masterclasseva ostao je još jedan koji će se održati u srijedu 10.5. u Miele expereince centru u Splitu na koji Vas ovim putem pozivamo da se prijavite preko emaila U Splitu nas čeka Konoba Boba sa vlasnikom i chefovm kuhinje Vjekom Bašićem koji će spremati menu sa prizvodima Beef shopa a sve će popratiti i vinarija Senjković.
Kako nam je bilo na masterclassu u Zagrebu te kako smo se proveli čitajte u nastavku.
Dobrodošlicu i aperitiv započeli smo sa poznatim Old Pilots proizvođačima gina i vodke koji su više puta nagrađivani a posebna exkluziva je da su Old pilots i JRE udruga kreirali specijalnu ediciju vodke JRE Old pilots! Vodka je dostupna u svih 14 JRE-Hr restorana i u Old pilots kušaonici!
Osim dobrih koktela koje nam je spremao barmen Old Pilotsa Darko Uremović, upoznali smo i vinara Ipšu. Pjenušac od Malvazije, macerirana Malvazija iz 2016. godine te Santa Elena crna kupaža Merlota i Refoška posebno su nas oduševile.
Uz koktele i vina družili smo se sa malim proizvođačima Sin Ravnice koji su sa sobom ponijeli niz suhomesnatih proizvoda. Jedan dio smo degustirali dok se drugi dio spremao pod vještim vodstvom chefa kuhinje Tina Sinožića iz restorana i hotela Navis iz Opatije.
Tino i njegov team iz Navisa spremili su dva jela. Prvo smo kušali lignju sa celerom, fermentiranim češnjakom, čipsom od krumpira i kulenovom sekom a neke od komponenti jela bile su namirnice malih proizvođača. Tako je Tino radio majonezu od kulena malog proizvođača Sina Ravnice.
Za glavno jelo kušali smo tomahawk steakove malih proizvođača sa pasternjakom, torticom od krumpira i čipsom čičoke! Svi masterclassevi edukativnog su karatkera na koje udruga JRE-Hrvatska poziva sve ljubitelje gastronomije da im se pridruže.