Discover unique experiences with Mastercard and JRE Croatia is a digital platform that offers specially designed content, exclusive offers and unique experiences to Mastercard card users around the world. The platform allows users to explore new experiences, gain access to special events and enjoy special benefits. is a digital platform that offers specially designed content, exclusive offers and unique experiences to Mastercard card users around the world. The platform allows users to explore new experiences, gain access to special events and enjoy special benefits.
Through the cooperation between Mastercard and JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs, Mastercard card users have exclusive access to unique gastronomic experiences in restaurants throughout Croatia, where innovative menus and top culinary art await them, inspired by the passion of JRE members.
This partnership gives food lovers access to exclusive menus, private dinners, meet the chef experiences and culinary workshops and tastings, giving them the opportunity to experience top cuisine in a whole new way.
Currently available physical experiences in JRE restaurants:
LD Restaurant, Korčula – a gourmet escape in the Lešić Dimitri palace with a Michelin star
Pelegrini, Šibenik – private gastronomic cruise with a Michelin chef
Konoba Boba, Murter – a tuna fishing adventure with freshly prepared delicacies
Dubravkin put, Zagreb – exclusive fine dining in a historical setting
Konoba Kala, Brač – tasting menu prepared using traditional techniques over an open fire
In addition, cooking enthusiasts can download digital culinary workshops by top Croatian chefs for free:
LD Restaurant, Korčula – secrets of sustainable cooking with chef Marko Gajski
Restoran Korak – preparation of authentic dishes without wasting food with chef Bernard Korak
Visit the platform and discover all the possibilities that Mastercard offers you - from exclusive experiences to inspiring content that combines gastronomy, sustainability and authentic Croatian stories.

Otkrijte jedinstvena iskustva uz Mastercard i JRE Hrvatska digitalna je platforma koja korisnicima Mastercard kartica diljem svijeta nudi posebno osmišljene sadržaje, ekskluzivne ponude i jedinstvena iskustva. Platforma omogućava korisnicima da istraže nova iskustva, steknu pristup posebnim događanjima i uživaju u posebnim pogodnostima.
Kroz suradnju Mastercarda i JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs, korisnici Mastercard kartica imaju ekskluzivni pristup jedinstvenim gastronomskim iskustvima u restoranima diljem Hrvatske, gdje ih čekaju inovativni meniji i vrhunska kulinarska umjetnost, inspirirani strašću članova JRE.
Ovo partnerstvo omogućuje ljubiteljima gastronomije pristup ekskluzivnim jelovnicima, privatnim večerama, meet the chef iskustvima te kulinarskim radionicama i degustacijama, pružajući im priliku da dožive vrhunsku kuhinju na potpuno nov način.
Trenutno dostupna fizička iskustva u JRE restoranima:
LD Restaurant, Korčula – gurmanski bijeg u palači Lešić Dimitri s Michelinovom zvjezdicom
Pelegrini, Šibenik – privatno gastronomsko krstarenje s Michelinovim chefom
Konoba Boba, Murter – avantura ribolova na tune uz svježe pripremljene delicije
Dubravkin put, Zagreb – ekskluzivni fine dining u povijesnom ambijentu
Konoba Kala, Brač – degustacijski menu pripremljen tradicionalnim tehnikama na otvorenoj vatri
Uz to, ljubitelji kuhanja mogu besplatno preuzeti digitalne kulinarske radionice vrhunskih hrvatskih chefova:
LD Restaurant, Korčula – tajne održivog kuhanja s chefom Markom Gajskim
Restoran Korak – priprema autentičnih jela bez bacanja hrane uz chefa Bernarda Koraka
Posjetite platformu i otkrijte sve mogućnosti koje vam Mastercard nudi – od ekskluzivnih iskustava do inspirativnih sadržaja koji spajaju gastronomiju, održivost i autentične hrvatske priče.