METRO regularly improves its assortment with the aim of improving the quality and breadth of the offer, in order to provide restaurateurs with the best possible service for their business and make their daily work easier. Top chefs from the JRE association help us a lot in this, through quality audits of our own brand products and advice when creating offers and services intended for restaurateurs.
We are extremely proud of our cooperation with the JRE-Croatia association, the domestic representatives of the international JRE association, which gathers more than 350 restaurants from 15 countries around the world and was founded in France in 1974. JRE-Hrvatska is an association of young restaurateurs and currently has 16 members, among them restaurants of unquestionable quality under the leadership of professional and creative chefs. Our joint cooperation with the JRE association is intimate and varied: from revision, promotion and expansion of the METRO brand range intended for professional chefs and caterers, to participation in events and workshops and many other activities.

Saša Began, restaurant Foša
The fish restaurant FOŠA is located in the ramparts of the old town of Zadar in the port of Foša, built in the 16th century. It is a combination of primordial Dalmatian and contemporary trends, both in architecture and interior design, as well as in gastronomy. Pleasant ambience and excellent gastronomic offer is an essential part of Zadar's tourist offer.
Floriana Ružić, San Rocco restaurant
In the very center of Brtonigla, the San Rocco gourmet restaurant belongs to the very top of Istrian and Croatian gastronomy. In the premises of the former cellar, where until recently the family's pride, Istrian Malvasia, rested in large oak barrels, today one of the most famous restaurants of this region is located.
Tino Sinožić, restaurant Navis
Design hotel Navis located on the very cliff of the Preluka Bay, restaurant Navis offers the ultimate gourmet experience to every guest. The magical atmosphere of the Kvarner archipelago and the top delicacies of the head chef are a winning combination for all your senses.
Aleksandar Grubić, restaurant Badi
The Badi restaurant in Umag has been celebrating 36 years of the tradition of the Badurina-Badi family. From the very beginning, they have been preparing the finest seasonal and seafood delicacies. With a pleasant, modern and elegant interior, the restaurant offers guests only pleasure.

METRO redovito unaprjeđuje svoj asortiman s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete i širine ponude, a kako bi ugostiteljima pružili što bolju uslugu za njihovo poslovanje i olakšali im svakodnevni posao. U tome nam uvelike pomažu vrhunski Chefovi iz JRE udruge kroz reviziju kvalitete proizvoda vlastitih robnih marki i savjeta kod kreiranja ponuda i usluga namjenjenih ugostiteljima.
Iznimno ponosnima nas čini suradnja s udruženjem JRE-Hrvatska, domaćim predstavnicima internacionalne JRE udruge koja okuplja više od 350 restorana iz 15 zemalja svijeta te osnovane u Francuskoj 1974. godine. JRE-Hrvatska je udruga mladih restoratera i trenutno broji 16 članova, redom restorana neupitne kvalitete pod vodstvom profesionalnih i kreativnih kuhara.
Naša zajednička suradnja s JRE udrugom je prisna i raznovrsna: od revizije, promocije i širenja dijela asortimana METRO robnih marki namijenjenog profesionalnim kuharima i ugostiteljima, do sudjelovanja na eventima i radionicama te mnogih drugih aktivnosti.

Saša Began, restaurant Foša
Riblji restoran FOŠA smješten je u bedemu starog grada Zadra u lučici Foša podignute ua 16. stoljeću. Spoj je iskonskog dalmatinskog i suvremenih trendova, podjednako u arihtekturi i uređenju interijera, kao i u gastronomiji. Ugodnog ambijenta i izvrsne gastronomske ponude neizostavan je dio turističke ponude Zadra.
Floriana Ružić, San Rocco restaurant
U samom centru Brtonigle, restoran gourmet San Rocco spada u sam vrh istarske i hrvatske gastronomije. U prostorijama bivšeg podruma gdje se donedavno u velikim hrastovim bačvama odmarao obiteljski ponos, istarska malvazija, danas se nalazi jedan od najpoznatijih restorana ove regije.
Tino Sinožić, restaurant Navis
Design hotel Navis smješten na samoj hridi prelučkog zaljeva, restoran Navis pruža vrhunski gourmet doživljaj svakom gostu.Čarobna atmosfera kvarnerskog arhipelaga i vrhunske delicije glavnoga chefa dobitna su konbinacija za sva vaša osjetila.
Aleksandar Grubić, restaurant Badi
Umaški restoran Badi slavi već 36 godina tradicije obitelji Badurina-Badi. Od samih početakagositma pripremaju najfinije sezonske i morske delicije. Ugodnog modernog i elegatnog interijera restoran gostima nudi isključivo užitak