On Wednesday, 5.10. the fifth consecutive masterclass was held in cooperation with Miele kitchens and the restaurant association JRE-Croatia. Long-term partners organize 8 masterclasses annually in the Miele experience centres in Split and Zagreb.
We were hosted by chef Fabricio from the restaurant Pergola from Savudrija, who prepared a masterclass to remember! The topics of the masterclasses are always different, because each time a different chef, small producer and winemaker are guests. In addition to Fabricio, there were small producers of chocolates, Taman chocolates, and the Galić winery. Fabricioo cooks with ingredients from small producers, while the winery made sure to make a perfect pairing with the food!
The masterclass started with a welcome with Galić's brut nature, a sparkling wine made from a combination of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Base wine obtained by selection from the best barrels from 2014 and 2015. After a long fermentation in the tank on yeasts, it was aged for 48 months.

Along with a story and socializing, we tasted Fabricio first dish! It was baked prawns on pumpkin puree with toasted cocoa beans from Madagascar (Sambirano Valley) - single plantation cacao (Antsamala plantation, Mava estate) - a blend of Criollo and Trinitario varieties - the cacao used by Taman Chocolaes in the award-winning bean-to-bar dark 73% Madagascar chocolate (slightly spicy cocoa with a lot of aromas of spices, with mild fruit acids and plenty of tannins) with pepperoncini, and the special freshness of the dish was given by the grated lime peel. With that, we drank Bijelo 9 of the Galić winery. White 9 is a complex, well-rounded wine that was aged on fine lees in a barrel for 9 months and is made from 3 varieties: Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Graševina. Aromas of peach, apricot and quince with rich creaminess and buttery notes.

While the risotto was being cooked, we had the opportunity to get to know the chocolatiers and touch, smell and taste their products.
After the chocolate masterclass, we tasted risotto made with gorgonzola and chocolate powder! Fabricio used aged dark 70% chocolate for 18 months - made with cocoa from Guatemala (Lachuá region, Paso Crocodilo plantation) - a mixture of Acriollado and Trinitario varieties - extremely complex high-acid cocoa with citrus flavors and aromas.
The creamy sweet risotto was given a special aroma by chocolate powder and an aftertaste of light irresistible bitterness, which we paired with Crno 9 - the famous blend of the Galić winery. Blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. After 24 months of aging, it gives a deep black colour, a rich, complex and delicious wine.

And something sweet to finish! Light crumbly bean-to-bar chocolate cake dark 72% chocolate Indonesia - West Papua - Ransiki... mild and "rounded" chocolate with pronounced acids of fresh fruit and sweet aromas of dried fruit with the addition of orange with chocolate macrons. In addition, we tasted the ice vintage of the Galić winery. Semi-sweet wine selected from the best locations, seductive aromas of pineapple, vineyard peaches, apple and chamomile flowers
We can't wait for new masterclasses in miele experince centres, and you can register for them by emailing j.baljkas@jre.eu.
There are still 3 winter masterclasses in Zagreb and Split, and they are hosted by:

U srijedu, 5.10. održao se peti po redu masterclass u suradnji Miele kuhinja i udruge restorana JRE-Hrvatska. Dugogodišnji partneri organiziraju godišnje 8 masterclasseva i to u Miele experience centrima Splitu i Zagrebu.
Ugostio nas je chef Fabricio iz restorana Pergola iz Savudrije koji je priredio masterclass za pamćenje! Teme masterclasseva su uvijek drukčije jer svaki put gostuje drugi chef, mali proizvođač i vinar. Uz Fabricija bili su mali proizvođača čokolada Taman chocolates te vinarija galić. Fabricijo kuha sa namirnicama malih proizvođača, dok se vinarija pobrinula napraviti besprijekoran pairing sa hranom!

Masterclass je započeo dobrodošlicom uz Galićev brut nature, pjenušac napravljen u kombinaciji crnog pinota i chardonnaya. Bazno vino dobiveno selekcijom iz najboljih bačava iz 2014. i 2015. godine. Nakon duge fermentacije u oci na kvascima je odležavao 48 mjeseci. Uz priču i druženje kušali smo prvo Fabricijevo jelo!
To su bile zapečene kozice na pireu od buče sa tostiranim kakao sjemenkama s Madagaskara (dolina Sambirano) - single plantation cacao (Antsamala plantaža, Mava estate) - mješavina sorti Criollo i Trinitario - kakao koji Taman Chocolaes koriste u nagrađenoj bean-to-bar tamnoj 73% čokoladi Madagascar (blago pikantan kakao s puno aroma začina, s blagim voćnim kiselinama i dosta tanina)sa pepperoncinom a posebnu svježinu jelu je dala naribana korica limete. Uz to smo pili Bijelo 9 vinarije Galić. Bijelo 9 kompleksno, zaokruženo vino koje je odležavalo na finim talozima u bačvi 9 mjeseci a rađeno je od 3 sorte: sauvignona, chardonnaya i graševine. Arome breskve, marelice i dunje sa bogatom kremoznošću i maslačnim notama.

Dok se kuhao rižoto, imali smo priliku pobliže upoznati čokolatijere te opipati, mirisati i kušati njihove proizvode. Nakon masterlclasa čokolade kušali smo rižot napravljen sa gorgonzolom i prahom čokolade! Fabricio je koristio odležanu tamnu 70% čokoladu 18 mj. - napravljenu s kakaom iz Gvatemale (Lachuá region, plantaža Paso Crocodilo) - mješavina sorti Acriollado i Trinitario - izrazito kompleksan kakao visokih kiselina sa okusima i aromama agruma.
Kremastom slatkom rižotu posebnu je aromu dao prah čokolade i aftertaste lagane neodoljive gorčine koje smo uparili sa Crno 9 – poznatom kupažom vinarije Galić. Kupaža Cabernet sauvignona i Merlota. Sa 24 mjesec odležavanja daje duboku crnu boju, bogato, kompleksno i slasno vino.
I nešto slatko za kraj! Lagana prhka tortica od čokolade bean-to-bar tamna 72% čokolada Indonezija - West Papua - Ransiki... blaga i "zaokružena" čokolada s izraženim kiselinama svježeg voća i slatkim aromama suhog voća uz dodatak naranče uz čokoladni macrons.

Uz to smo kušali ledenu berbu vinarije Galić. Poluslatko vino odabrano sa najboljih položaja, zavodljivi mirisi ananasa, vinogradarskih breskvi, jabuke i cvijeta kamilice Jedva čekamo nove masterclassove u miele experince centrima a na njih se možete prijaviti putem emaila j.baljkas@jre.eu.
Ostala su još 3 zimska masterclassa u Zagrebu i Splitu a gostuju: