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news • October 3rd, 2024


Our dear gastronomes! We are happy to inform you about the continuation of the "Passion week with Mastercard" activation available in all restaurants of the JRE-Croatia association. Passion week is held periodically in the restaurants of the JRE-Croatia association, and this season we are opening our doors as early as October 1, 2024.

A special project called "Passion week with Mastercard" is held in all 15 restaurants of the JRE-Croatia association for a period of two weeks.

Each restaurant has two weeks of special activation in which they present their culinary philosophies at promotional prices! Each restaurant writes its own story about terroir, gastronomic heritage, cultural heritage and family tradition, on which their principles are based and which define them as restaurant owners and chefs, which can be seen and tasted through each of their plates.

For 55 euros per person, choose from 15 restaurants of the association that have prepared tasting menus just for this "Passion week with Mastercard" activation. Below is a list of restaurants and dates of participation in this activation! It is enough to reserve a table in the restaurant of your choice, emphasize that you are coming to Passion week and bring your Mastercard with you! More surprises were prepared by the restaurant association, and our favorite among them is the prize game in which you can participate and win a free gastronomic experience for two in one of the 15 restaurants of the JRE-Croatia association of your choice! When visiting JRE-HR restaurants, ask for your copy of the JRE 2024 guide, which contains all the rules of the prize game, or download the guide online via the link https://jre.eu/en/countries/croatia

All guests, domestic and foreign, can participate in the prize draw. New this year is that you can request a stamp and participate in the prize draw when you visit the restaurant during the "Passion week with Mastercard" activation! Mastercard® card users have a special benefit that allows them to get to the prize menu faster in selected JRE restaurants in Croatia. By registering your Mastercard card on Mastercard's experiential platform Priceless.com, you could download digital content for free - virtual tours of JRE restaurants in Croatia, which also contain video recipes from renowned chefs. Each downloaded video content is worth one stamp. There are currently 4 online contents available on the web platform that you can download! In order to win a prize-winning gastronomic experience in a selected JRE restaurant, all eight stamps must be collected by December 31, 2024. year. The offer applies only to Croatian JRE restaurants from the JRE-HR 2024 guide.

After collecting eight stamps from eight different Croatian JRE restaurants (by visiting the restaurants physically or by combining physical visits to the restaurants with downloading digital content), send a photo of the page with the stamps to j.baljkas@jre.eu, together with your information, in order to agree on the use award-winning gastronomic experience.



Dragi naši gastronomi! Sa veseljem obavještavamo Vas o nastavku aktivacije „Passion week with Mastercard“ dostupne u svim restoranima udruge JRE-Hrvatska. Passion week održava se periodično u restoranima udruge JRE-Hrvatska a ove sezone otvaramo naša vrata već od 1.10.2024.

Poseban projekt pod nazivom „Passion week with Mastercard“ održava se u svih 15 restorana udruge JRE-Hrvatska u periodu od dva tjedna. Svaki restoran ima dva tjedna posebne aktivacije u kojoj po promotivnim cijenama prezentiraju svoje kulinarske filozofije! Svaki restoran piše svoju priču o teroaru, gastronomskom nasljeđu, kulturnoj baštini te obiteljskoj tradiciji na kojima su zasnovana njihova načela i koja ih određuju kao vlasnike restorana i kuhara koja se vide i okuse preko svakog njihovog tanjura.

Za 55 eura po osobi birajte između 15 restorana udruge koji su pripremili degustacijske menije samo a ovu aktivaciju „Passion week with Mastercard“. U nastavku donosimo popis restorana i datuma sudjelovanja u ovoj aktivaciji! Dovoljno je rezervirati stol u restoranu po Vašoj želji, naglasiti da dolazite na Passion week te sa sobom ponijeti Mastercard karticu! Više iznenađenja je pripremila udruga restorana a najdraži nam je među njima i nagradna igra u kojoj i Vi možete sudjelovati te osvojiti besplatno gastronomsko iskustvo za dvoje u jednom od 15 restorana udruge JRE-Hrvatska po Vašem izboru! Posjećujući JRE-HR restorane zatražite Vaš primjerak JRE 2024. vodiča u kojem se nalaze sva pravila nagradne igre ili preuzmite vodič online putem preko linka https://jre.eu/en/countries/croatia

U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi gosti, domaći i inozemni. Novost od ove godine je da i prigodom posjeta restorana za vrijeme aktivacije „Passion week with Mastercard“ možete zatražiti pečat i sudjelovati u nagradnoj igri! Korisnici Mastercard® kartica imaju posebnu pogodnost koja im omogućuje brži dolazak do nagradnog menija u odabranom JRE restoranu u Hrvatskoj. Registracijom svoje Mastercard kartice na Mastercardovoj iskustvenoj platformi Priceless.com imate priliku besplatno preuzeti digitalne sadržaje – virtualne obilaske JRE restorana u Hrvatskoj koji sadržavaju i videorecepte renomiranih chefova.

Svaki preuzeti videosadržaj vrijedi kao jedan pečat. Trenutno su dostupna 4 online sadržaja na web platformi koje možete preuzeti!
Kako biste osvojili nagradno gastro iskustvo u odabranom JRE restoranu, svih osam pečata potrebno je prikupiti do 31.12.2024. godine. Ponuda se odnosi samo na hrvatske JRE restorane iz vodiča JRE-HR 2024.

Nakon što prikupite osam pečata iz osam različitih hrvatskih JRE restorana (posjećujući restorane fizički ili kombinirajući fizičke posjete restoranima s preu- zimanjem digitalnih sadržaja) fotografiju stranice s pečatima pošaljite na j.baljkas@jre.eu, zajedno sa svojim podacima, radi dogovora oko iskorištavanja nagradnog gastro iskustva.