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news • February 15th, 2024

A bit of JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs history

Delve into the extraordinary legacies of Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle and Nicole Seitz, pivotal figures behind JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs success.

Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle was the president of Grand Marnier, a French brand of liqueurs. The brand's best-known product is Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, an orange-flavored liqueur created in 1880 by Alexandre Marnier-Lapostolle.

Nicole Seitz, worked as the Public Relations representative of Grand Marnier. Her goal was to introduce the iconic liqueur to both the public and catering professionals. Her approach was personal, as she cultivated relationships with restaurateurs, often visiting them in their own kitchens. These connections not only bolstered the presence of Grand Marnier in the culinary world but also fostered enduring friendships.

In 1974, Nicole Seitz collaborated with Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle to establish the Jeunes Restaurateurs of France association, now known as JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs.

"I remember the day Nicole came to me to request the creation of an association which would bring together young culinary talents, in order to make them meet, appreciate each other and develop their profession, recalls Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle. I immediately approved the idea and the JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs association was born very quickly after our decision with Nicole Seitz as godmother and Jean-Pierre Chavant as president."

Jacques Marnier Lapostolle

JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs Founder

Over the years, JRE has expanded its reach, attaining European status in 1992 under the leadership of GĂ©rard Faucher, and achieving international recognition in 2016.

To commemorate their remarkable contributions, we will honor Nicole Seitz and Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle during our 50-Year International Congress in Paris, France. We are privileged to host special guests, including Jacques Marnier-Lapostolle's daughter, Alexandra Marnier Lapostolle, alongside her husband, Cyril de Bournet, and their son, Charles de Bournet.