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interview • August 20th, 2024

Interview with Nina Bratovž - JRE Sommelier of the Year 2024

In April 2024, during the JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs International Congress in Paris, Nina Bratovž was honored as Sommelier of the Year Award, a testament to her outstanding contributions to the industry.

We got the opportunity to interview Sommelier Nina Bratovž from JB Restaurant in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her expertise in wine pairing, passion for wine and commitment to excellence have earned her significant recognitions in the culinary world.

Can you share how you first became interested in the world of wine and what motivated you to pursue a career as a sommelier?

When I started working in our family restaurant, they hosted sommelier courses. I was invited to join, and at 22 years old, I had no idea what that might mean. But I accepted the invitation, and through the course, I met amazing people who helped me discover the world of wine and sommeliership. I knew immediately that this was a perfect fit for me. What kept me motivated was the endless nature of this field—there's always something new to discover every day.


How do you approach selecting wines for a restaurant’s menu, and what factors do you consider most important?

The first thing that's important to me is getting to know the winemaker personally. I find this connection crucial. Then, I look for a style and philosophy that resonates with me or aligns with ours. I want every guest to find something that suits them on our menu, so I aim to include a variety of styles that complement our cuisine. The core of being a sommelier is pairing food and wine, so the wines on the menu must harmonize with the style of food we prepare.

Could you share a story about a particularly memorable wine pairing you’ve created or an experience with a guest that stands out?

One experience I’ll never forget is when we had venison fillet with polenta on the menu, and a distributor happened to stop by with a bottle for us to try. As soon as I tasted the wine, I knew it would be a perfect match for that dish. It was a 2018 Nedo di Troia from southern Italy. When we tasted them together, it was such a magical pairing that it left us speechless.

Can you describe your restaurant's concept and what makes it unique?

Our restaurant is family-owned and operated, with the entire family deeply involved in every aspect. This gives it a unique atmosphere, and anyone who visits us can feel and understand that connection. We are also committed to using the highest quality ingredients, offering a diverse selection of drinks, and ensuring our staff is happy and motivated. We continually encourage creativity and the pursuit of new knowledge.

What does winning the JRE 2024 Award mean to you and your team?

I am incredibly happy and proud of this recognition. I didn’t expect it, which made it even sweeter. It has opened several new doors for me, and I am very grateful for that. This award has also given me a renewed sense of motivation and a realization that this truly is my calling, something I genuinely enjoy.

What advice would you give to aspiring sommeliers who want to follow in your footsteps?

I would tell them that this is the most amazing profession in the world 🙂 You get to travel, meet new people, and enjoy great food and wine—what could be better? 🙂 On a more serious note, I always encourage young people, and anyone aspiring to become a sommelier, to keep learning every day. Taste as many wines and other drinks from around the world as possible, and continually expand your knowledge and horizons.

Read more about JB Restaurant.