We recently participated in a gala dinner at the Esplanade where Gault & Millau for Croatia in 2022 was held. Below is a list of our family members and their prestigious awards.
JRE-Croatia restaurants with the most points that were named restaurants of the year are:
Monte Restaurant of Monte chef Danijel Đekić
Restaurant Pergola chef Fabricia Veznavera
Pelegrini tavern by chef Rudolf Štefan
Trophy of the great chef of tomorrow Steven Vunić from the tavern Zijavica
Trophy for the promotion of Croatian gastronomy and oenology Daniela Kramarić from the restaurant Plavi podrum
Full list of JRE-HR restaurants by Gault & Millau Croatia 2022
Monte 17.5 4 points
Pelegrini 17.5 4 points
Pergola 17.5. 4 points
Lešić Dimitri 16.5 3 points
Badi 16.0 3 points
Boškinac 16.0 3 points
Dubravkin put 16.0 3 points
Boba 16.0 3 points
Korak 16.0 3 points
San Rocco 16.0 3 points
Plavi podrum 15.5 3 points
Draga di Lovrana 15.0 3 points
Foša 15.0 3 points
Zijavica 15.0 3 points
Navis 15.0 3 points

Nedavno smo sudjelovali na gala večeri u Esplanadi gdje se održao Gault & Millau za Hrvatsku 2022. Godine. U nastavku donosimo popis naših članova obitelji i njihove prestižne nagrade.
JRE-HR restorani sa najviše osvojenim bodovima koji su proglašeni restoranima godine su:
Restoran Monte chefa Danijel Đekić
Restoran Pergola chefa Fabricia Vežnavera
Trofej veliki chef sutrašnjice Stiven Vunić iz konobe Zijavica
Trofej za promicanje Hrvatske gastronomije i enologije Daniela Kramarić iz restorana Plavi podrum
Cijela lista bodova JRE-HR restorana po izboru Gault&Millau Croatia 2022
Monte 17.5 4 toques
Pelegrini 17.5 4 toques
Pergola 17.5. 4 toques
Lešić Dimitri 16.5 3 toques
Badi 16.0 3 toques
Boškinac 16.0 3 toques
Dubravkin put 16.0 3 toques
Boba 16.0 3 toques
Korak 16.0 3 toques
San Rocco 16.0 3 toques
Plavi podrum 15.5 3 toques
Draga di Lovrana 15.0 3 toques
Foša 15.0 3 toques
Zijavica 15.0 3 toques
Navis 15.0 3 toques