Wine region - Plešivica, the smallest wine region in Croatia known for a large number of winemakers who worship their tradition to this day. We were in one of them, more precisely in the Korak winery, where we were 1.3. organized by JRE PRESS EVENT. This year, the JRE-CROATIAN family has 16 members / 16 restaurants that are closely connected by one thread - passion. Never ending passion - is the motto of the JRE association with which its members live and grow.
Vinska regija – Plešivica, najmanja vinska regija u Hrvatskoj poznata po velikom broju vinara koji svoju tradiciju štuju i dan danas. Bili smo u jednoj od njih točnije u vinariji Korak u kojoj smo 1.3. organizirali JRE PRESS EVENT. JRE-HRVATSKA obitelj ove godine broji 16 članova / 16 restorana koji su usko povezani jednom niti – strašću. Never ending passion - moto je JRE udruge s kojim njeni članovi žive i rastu.

Read below which restaurants they are:
Koji su to restorani pročitajte u nastavku:

Restaurant Dubravkin put, Zagreb
Restaurant & Winery Korak – novi član JRE HR za 2022. (new member for 2022)
Restaurant Pergola, Savudrija
Restaurant Badi, Umag
Hotel & Restaurant San Rocco, Brtonigla
Restaurant Monte, Rovinj *Michelin
Konoba Zijavica, Mošćenička draga
Restaurant & Hotel Draga di Lovrana, Lovran *Michelin – novi član JRE HR za 2022. (new member for 2022)
Restaurant & Design Hotel Navis, Opatija
Restaurant Plavi podrum, Opatija
Villa Ariston, Opatija
Hotel & Restaurant & Winery Boškinac, Otok Pag, *Michelin
Restaurant Foša, Zadar
Konoba Boba, Murter
Konoba Pelegrini, Šibenik *Michelin
Lešić Dimitri Palace Restaurant & Hotel, Otok Korčula *Michelin – novi član JRE HR za 2022. (new member for 2022)