Chefs at Sea - is a project of uniting and bringing together the chefs of the JRE association, which is spread in 16 countries around the world. This year, more precisely 11.6.2022, in 7 Croatian JRE restaurants at the same time there will be a dinner prepared by 7 different international guest chefs. The goal is to exchange knowledge and experience and get to know the chefs and their teams. The project is sponsored by the Croatian National Tourist Board, which is a long-term partner of the association JRE-CROATIA.
This way we invite you to be a part of this unique dinner for which you can reserve your place in one of the 7 restaurants!
The guest chef prepares dinner in 5 courses, and the host restaurant takes care of the wine accompaniment. We have prepared a community table for 8 people for you and a guest JRE chef is cooking just for you! The price of dinner in all restaurants is the same and it is: 1,500 kn. Dinner includes 5 chef courses, wine accompaniment and soft drinks. Find out below which restaurant you will book dinner for and who is coming to our dinner!
1. Foša - Serbia, Salon 1905, David Šimunić
2. Pelegrini - Slovenia, Debeluh, Jure Tomić
3. Boba - Spain, Muxgo, Borja Marrero
4. Pergola - Switzerland, Höhwald, Heribert Dietrich
5. LD - Romania, Baracca, Roland Suciu
6. Badi - France, BK, Annett Teich

Chefs at sea – projekt je udruživanja i zbližavanja chefova udruge JRE koja je rasprostranjena u 16 zemalja diljem svijeta. Ove godine, točnije
11.6.2022. u 7 hrvatskh JRE restorana u isto vrijeme održat će se večera koju će pripremiti 7 različitih internacionalnih gostujućih chefova. Cilj je razmjena znanja i iskustva te međusobno upoznavanje chefova i njihovih timova. Projekt je sponzoriran od strane Hrvatske turističke zajednice koja je dugogodišnji partner udruge JRE-HRVATSKA.
Ovim Putem Vas pozivamo da budete dio ove jedinstvene večere za koju možete rezervirati svoje mjesto u jednom od 7 restorana!
Gostujući chef priprema večeru u 5 sljedova, a restoran domaćin brine o vinskoj pratnji. Za Vas smo pripremili jedan community stol za 8 osoba a samo za Vas kuha gostujući JRE chef! Cijena večere u svim restoranima je ista a ona iznosi: 1,500 kn. U večeru je uključeno 5 sljedova chefa, vinska pratnja te bezalkoholna pića. U kojem restoranu ćete bukirati večeru i tko nam dolazi na večeru saznajte u nastavku!
1. Foša - Srbija, Salon 1905, David Šimunić
2. Pelegrini - Slovenija, Debeluh, Jure Tomić
3. Boba - Španjolska, Muxgo, Borja Marrero
4. Pergola - Švicarska, Höhwald, Heribert Dietrich
5. LD - Rumunjska, Baracca, Roland Suciu
6. Badi - Francuska, BK, Annett Teich