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news • October 3rd, 2024

JRE-Croatia Passion Week with Mastercard - Spring 2025

JRE-Croatia and Mastercard, its long-time partner, are preparing special experiences for 2025. "Passion week with Mastercard" is a joint project of the JRE-Croatia association and Mastercard and an international example of good practice at the international level of the JRE association.

"Passion Week with Mastercard" project takes place in all 16 restaurants of the JRE-Croatia association, for a week in spring and autumn. This is a promotional activity in which renowned restaurants, members of the JRE-Croatia association, present their tasting menus at promotional prices in order to convey the unique features of their respective culinary philosophies to food lovers (gastronomes).

This unique experience is available at a price of 75 EUR per person (drinks not included), and can be booked directly at the restaurants or via the priceless.com platform.

When booking directly, it is important to emphasize that you are coming to "Passion Week" and that you are paying with a Mastercard card. If you plan to purchase your experience via the priceless.com platform, after receiving the purchase confirmation, you will receive instructions on how and within what period to make a reservation at the preferred restaurant.

On this occasion, you can also participate in the JRE-Croatia loyalty program, where you can win a free gastronomic experience for two people in one of the association's 16 restaurants of your choice. When visiting a JRE-Croatia restaurant, request your copy of the JRE 2025 guide, which contains the rules of the loyalty program, or check out the guide online. In order to win the gastronomic experience, you need to collect all eight stamps by December 31, 2025.

By participating in the "Passion week with Mastercard", Mastercard card users have a special benefit that allows them to win this prize faster. In addition, by registering their Mastercard card on Mastercard's experiential platform priceless.com, Mastercard card users have the opportunity to download digital content for free - virtual tours of JRE restaurants in Croatia, which also contain video recipes from renowned chefs. Each downloaded video content is worth one stamp. There are currently two digital downloadable content items available on the platform.

This offer applies only to JRE-Croatia restaurants from the JRE-HR 2025 guide.


24.03 – 30.03 Zijavica/Badi
31.03 – 06.04 Korak
07.04 – 13.04 Navis
14.04 – 20.04 Dubravkin put
21.04 – 27.04 Boba
28.04 – 04.05 LD/Plavi podrum/Kala
05.05 – 11.05 Pelegrini/Boškinac/Lemongarden
12.05 – 18.05 Monte/Vila Rova
19.05 – 25.05 San Rocco

Each JRE-Croatia restaurant writes its own distinctive story about terroir, gastronomic heritage and family tradition that is best experienced on a plate.


JRE-Hrvatska u suradnji s dugogodišnjim partnerom Mastercard i za ovu godinu priprema posebna iskustva

„Passion week with Mastercard“ zajednički je projekt udruge JRE-Hrvatska i Mastercarda te internacionalni primjer dobre prakse na razini JRE-International udruge.

Radi se o promotivnoj aktivnosti u kojoj renomirani restorani članovi udruge JRE-Hrvatska po promotivnim cijenama prezentiraju svoje degustacijske menije kako bi zaljubljenicima u gastronomiju dočarali posebnosti svojih kulinarskih filozofija. Svaki JRE-HR restoran piše svoju jedinstvenu priču o terroiru, gastronomskom nasljeđu i obiteljskoj tradiciji koja se najbolje može doživjeti na tanjuru.

„Passion week with Mastercard“ projekt održava se u svih 16 restorana članova udruge JRE-Hrvatska i to u proljetnom i jesenskom periodu, u trajanju od tjedan dana.

Ovo jedinstveno iskustvo dostupno je po cijeni od 75 EUR po osobi (u cijenu nije uključeno piće), a može se rezervirati direktno u restoranima ili putem platforme priceless.com.

Prilikom direktne rezervacije važno je naglasiti da dolazite na “Passion week” te da platite Mastercard karticom. Ako svoje iskustvo planirate kupiti putem platforme priceless.com, nakon primitka potvrde o kupnji, dobit ćete upute kako i u kojem roku izvršiti rezervaciju u željenom restoranu.

Ovom prilikom možete sudjelovati i u programu vjernosti udruge JRE-Hrvatska u kojem možete osvojiti besplatno gastronomsko iskustvo za dvoje u jednom od 16 restorana udruge po Vašem izboru. Prilikom posjete JRE-HR restoranu zatražite Vaš primjerak JRE 2025. vodiča u kojem se nalaze pravila programa vjernosti ili preuzmite vodič online. Kako biste osvojili gastronomsko iskustvo, potrebno je prikupiti svih osam pečata do 31.12.2025. godine.

Sudjelovanjem na „Passion week with Mastercard“ korisnici Mastercard kartica imaju posebnu pogodnost koja im omogućuje brži dolazak do nagradnog menija u odabranom JRE restoranu u Hrvatskoj. Osim toga, registracijom svoje Mastercard kartice na Mastercardovoj iskustvenoj platformi priceless.com imaju priliku besplatno preuzeti digitalne sadržaje – virtualne obilaske JRE restorana u Hrvatskoj koji sadržavaju i videorecepte renomiranih chefova. Svaki preuzeti video sadržaj vrijedi kao jedan pečat. Trenutno su na platformi dostupna dva digitalna sadržaja koje možete preuzeti.

Ponuda se odnosi samo na hrvatske JRE restorane iz vodiča JRE-HR 2025. 


24.03. – 30.03. Zijavica / Badi
31.03. – 06.04. Korak
07.04. – 13.04. Navis
14.04. – 20.04. Dubravkin put
21.04. – 27.04. Boba
28.04. – 04.05. LD / Plavi podrum / Kala
05.05. – 11.05. Pelegrini / Boškinac / Lemongarden
12.05. – 18.05. Monte / Vila Rova
19.05. – 25.05. San Rocco