Chardonnay Prestige, 2020
Sanctum Chardonnay očara s svojo prefinjeno strukturo in bogatimi aromami.
Gostilna Repovž, President of JRE-Slovenia
Wine story about Chardonnay Prestige, 2020
Sanctum, latinska beseda za “nekaj skritega,” pa smo veseli, da smo odkrili ta eleganten, uravnotežen chardonnay, ki bi ga zlahka postavili ob bok francoskim kolegom. Sanctum Chardonnay 2021 očara s svojo prefinjeno strukturo in bogatimi aromami, ki navdušijo še tako zahtevnega pivca.
Sanctum is the Latin word for ‘something hidden’, and we’re glad we discovered this elegant, balanced Chardonnay that could easily stand alongside its French counterparts. Sanctum Chardonnay 2021 enchants with its refined structure and rich aromas, delighting even the most discerning drinker.
Learn More About the Wine and Winery Here
Sanctum je butična vinska klet, kjer narava in čas pleteta svojo zgodbo na strmih gričih. Vinogradi, obsijani s soncem, iz rodnih lapornih tal dajejo grozdje s prefinjenim značajem. V spoštovanju terroirja in tradicije, vsak korak vinifikacije prebudi edinstvenost vsake buteljke. Minimalni posegi v proces ohranjajo avtentičnost in esenco vsakega požirka. Sanctum, ni le klet, temveč svet naravnega čudenja, kjer vsak odtenek vina nosi sporočilo o skriti lepoti in moči terroirja.
Sanctum is a boutique winery where nature and time weave their story on steep hills. The vineyards, bathed in sunlight, yield grapes with a refined character from the fertile marl soil. With respect for terroir and tradition, each step of the wine-making process awakens the uniqueness of each bottle. Minimal interventions in the process preserve the authenticity and essence of every sip. Sanctum is not just a wine cellar but also a world of natural wonder, where every shade of wine carries a message of hidden beauty and the power of terroir.
Sanctum Chardonnay captivates with its refined structure and rich aromas.
Gostilna Repovž, President of JRE-Slovenia
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.