Chardonnay Lilly's Vineyard, 2020
Zaro Chardonnay - prijetna sadnost, ravno prav začinjena z lesno noto.
Wine story about Chardonnay Lilly's Vineyard, 2020
V steklenici tega chardonnaya je ujet celoten spekter izjemne istrske pokrajine. Zelo toplo vino, mineralno, celo slano in na koncu začinjeno s prijetno svežino, ki osveži kot prava istrska burja. Ko v obzir vzamemo še plemenito zgodbo o vinogradu gospe Lilijane je vinska zgodba popolna.
This bottle of Chardonnay captures the entire spectrum of the remarkable Istrian landscape. It is a very warm wine, mineral, even salty, finished with a pleasant freshness that refreshes like the true Istrian bora wind. When we also consider the noble story of Mrs. Lilijana’s vineyard, the wine narrative becomes complete.
About the Winery
Vinski svet se vedno znova razveseli odkritja, ki izvira iz zakladnice vinske kleti Zaro. Njihova vina so kot izjemni drobci neba, ujeti v vsaki steklenički. Zaro je več kot le ime - je zaveza, predanost ljubezni do zemlje in trte, ki jo je strastni mladi vinar pridobil od svojega očeta ter jo nadgradil s svojo vizijo, drznostjo in inovacijami. Vsaka kapljica vina Zaro je prepojena z željo, da bi presegla meje in očarala tistega, ki se ob njej ustavi. Vabi ga, da se preda unikatnosti in čustvom, ki so bila posajena v trto ter prenesena v vsako steklenico in začinjena z dotikom sonca in vonjavami morja.
The wine world is always delighted by the discoveries from the Zaro winery’s treasure trove. The wines are like exceptional pieces of the sky, captured in every bottle. Zaro is more than just a name; it is a commitment and dedication to the love of the land and the vine, passed down from a passionate young winemaker who inherited it from his father and enhanced it with his vision, daring and innovativeness. Every drop of Zaro wine is imbued with a desire to transcend boundaries and enchant those who pause with it. It invites one to surrender to the uniqueness and emotions that were planted in the vine, transferred to each bottle and seasoned with a touch of sun and the scents of the sea.
Zaro Chardonnay offers pleasant fruitiness, perfectly balanced with a subtle hint of oak.
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.