Rebula Journey, 2022
Medot Rebula ima prijetno svežino, sadnost in dolg mineralen pookus.
Gostilna Repovž, President of JRE-Slovenia
Wine story about Rebula Journey, 2022
Kdo je rekel, da je Medot "le" peničar? Iz briške kraljice je ustvaril šolski primer mirne rebule. Ima vse, kar potrebuje sveža rebula: prijetno svežino, sadnost in dolg mineralen pookus. Medotova rebula je dokaz, da se lahko izjemno vino rodi tudi iz tradicije penečih vin.
Who said that Medot is ‘just’ a producer of sparkling wine? From the ‘queen’ of Brda, he has crafted a textbook example of a still Rebula. It possesses everything a fresh Rebula needs: pleasant freshness, fruitiness and a long mineral finish. Medot’s Rebula is proof that exceptional wine can be born from a tradition of sparkling wines.
About the Winery
V osrčju magičnih Goriških brd, kjer se srečujeta alpski zrak in sredozemska sapa, leži domačija Medot. Tu, na bogati opoki, kraljuje rebula, avtohtona sorta, ki se izraža v vrhunskih vinih in peninah. Zvonimir Simčič, oče rebule, je z vizijo in predanostjo ustvaril temelje za zlato dobo te žlahtne trte. Danes pod vodstvom vnuka Simona Medot še naprej časti eleganco in harmonijo, ohranja tradicijo in odpira nova poglavja vinarske zgodbe. Vsaka steklenica je poklon naravi, družinskemu izročilu in brezčasni lepoti Brd.
The Medot estate lies in the heart of the magical Goriška Brda region, where Alpine air meets the Mediterranean breeze. Here, on the rich marl soil, reigns Rebula, an indigenous variety that expresses itself in exceptional wines and sparkling wines. Through vision and dedication, Zvonimir Simčič, the father of Rebula, laid the foundations for the golden age of this noble grape. Today, under the leadership of his grandson, Simon Medot, the estate continues to honour elegance and harmony while preserving tradition and opening new chapters of the winemaking story. Every bottle is a tribute to nature, family heritage and the timeless beauty of Brda.
Medot Rebula offers a pleasant freshness, fruity notes, and a long, mineral finish.
Gostilna Repovž, President of JRE-Slovenia
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.