Brut, NV
Fervin penina navdušuje z elegantnim mehurčkom, ki je v ustih zelo prijeten.
Wine story about Brut, NV
Vsak obed se začne z aperitivom. Boljšega kot je penina hiše Fervin, bi si že težko želeli. Suha, sadna z lepo svežino, ki kar kliče po še! Beli pinot ji daje resnost, medtem ko ji sivi pinot dodaja sadnost in svežino. Fervinova penina je eleganten začetek vsakega slavja.
Every meal begins with an aperitif. It’s hard to imagine a better one than Fervin’s sparkling wine. Dry and fruity with a lovely freshness that makes you want more! The Pinot Blanc lends it genuineness, while the Pinot Grigio adds fruitiness and freshness. Fervin’s sparkling wine is an elegant start to any celebration.
About the Winery
Posestvo Fervin, v osrčju sončne Vipavske doline, je pod vodstvom družine Ferjančič od leta 2018 začelo pisati novo poglavje. Ime Fervin združuje priimek Ferjančič in kraj Vrtovin, simbolizirajoč preplet človeka in narave. Na sončnih pobočjih pod mogočnim Kucljem vinogradi črpajo moč iz flišne prsti in burje, kar vdihuje edinstven karakter vinom. Družina Ferjančič s strastjo in spoštovanjem do narave ustvarja vina, ki nosijo odtise njihovega dela in kraja. Posestvo Fervin je več kot le klet; je zgodba o ljubezni do vinogradništva, ki se zrcali v vsakem kotičku te čarobne doline.
In 2018, a new chapter began at the Fervin estate, in the heart of the sunny Vipava Valley, under the guidance of the Ferjančič family. The name Fervin combines the family name Ferjančič and the village of Vrtovin, symbolising the intertwining of man and nature. On the sunny slopes under the mighty hill of Kucelj, the vineyards draw strength from the flysch soil and the bora wind, imparting the wines with a unique character. With passion and respect for nature, the Ferjančič family creates wines that bear the imprints of what they do and where they live and work. The Fervin estate is more than just a cellar; it is a story of love for viticulture reflected in every corner of this magical valley.
Fervin sparkling wine impresses with its elegant bubbles, which are exceptionally pleasant on the palate.
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.