Modri pinot, 2021
Hergin Modri pinot je zelo saden z rahlo pikantnostjo.
JB restavracija, JRE sommelier of the Year
Wine story about Modri pinot, 2021
Nova energija je na posestvu z izjemno tradicijo že jasno nakazala svojo pot. Sivi pinot namreč izraža razigrano mladost na eni strani ter resnost, eleganco in močan karaktter na drugi. Vino pokaže, da je ta sorta lahko vsestranska in tako primerna za vsak obed. Herga dokazuje, da lahko z inovativnim pristopom oživiš tradicijo in ustvariš vina, ki navdušujejo s svojo kakovostjo in karakterjem.
New energy has clearly charted its path on this estate with an exceptional tradition. The Pinot Grigio expresses playful youth on the one hand and seriousness, elegance and a strong character on the other. This wine demonstrates that the variety can be versatile and paired with any meal. Herga proves that an innovative approach means tradition can be revived and wines created that impress with their quality and character.
About the Winery
Posestvo Mon Royal, obdano s čudovitim razgledom na s soncem obsijane vinograde, nosi zgodovino, ki sega v 19. stoletje. V letu 2022 je posestvo dobilo nove lastnike, družino Herga, ki z ljubeznijo do narave in vina nadaljujejo tradicijo. Njihov cilj je v vsaki kapljici vina ujeti čisto naravo ter izpostaviti avtentični karakter štajerskega okolja, kjer vinogradi pod vplivom Alp, Jadranskega morja in Panonske nižine, ustvarjajo izvrstna vina. "Vino je emocija," pravijo, in skozi vsako steklenico izražajo strast, znanje in ljubezen, ki ju prenašajo iz vinogradov v klet.
The history of the Mon Royal estate, surrounded by stunning views of sunlit vineyards, dates back to the 19th century. In 2022, the Herga family become new owners of the estate. The family is continuing the estate’s tradition with a love for nature and wine. Their goal is to capture pure nature in every drop of wine and highlight the authentic character of the Styrian environment, where excellent wines are produced in vineyards influenced by the Alps, the Adriatic Sea and the Pannonian Plain. “Wine is emotion,” says the Herga family, which through each bottle conveys the passion, knowledge and love that they carry from the vineyards to the cellar.
Hergin Modri pinot je zelo saden z rahlo pikantnostjo.
JB restavracija, JRE sommelier of the Year
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.