Renski rizling, 2021
Renski rizling Ajster preseneti z resno cvetlico in dolgim pookusom.
JB restaurant, JRE sommelier of the Year
Wine story about Renski rizling, 2021
Ko odkriješ nekaj novega, se radostiš. Ko pa to lahko deliš, pa je zmaga popolna. Dolenjski renski rizling Antona Ajstra je odkritje teh zgodb. Ne pričakujte klasike s petrolejasto noto, ta rizling namreč ne skriva načina pridelave. Je kompleksen, bogat, a vendar jasno pokaže svoj dolenjski karakter s pookusom, ki ne zaposli samo brbončice ampak tudi vaše misli.
Discovering something new brings joy. But when you can share it, the victory is complete. Anton Ajster’s Dolenjska Rhine Riesling is such a discovery. Don’t expect the classic petrol note; this Riesling reveals its production method openly. It is complex and rich, yet it clearly showcases its Dolenjska character with a finish that engages not just one’s taste buds but also one’s thoughts.
About the Winery
Globoko v objemu južnih pobočij Gorjancev, kjer sonce nežno objema reko Krko, se razprostira vinograd Pekel. Na treh izbranih lokacijah, 5.500 trt plete svoje korenine v zemljo, ki nosi zgodbo stoletij. Leto 2012 je prineslo prelom - začetek ekološke pridelave, dve leti kasneje je prineslo prelivanje z energijo, ko so se vinogradi začeli obdelovati po biodinamičnih načelih in slediti sozvočju kozmosa. Ti vinogradi, kot zeleni amfiteatri, se dvigajo v vertikali, kot da se želijo dotakniti neba. V tej simfoniji narave, lapor dodaja svojo posebno noto, ki vsakemu požirku daje globino, značaj, dušo.
The Pekel vineyard lies deep in the embrace of the southern slopes of the Gorjanci hills, where the sun gently caresses the Krka River. In three selected locations, 5,500 vines root themselves in soil that bears a centuries-old story. The year 2012 marked a turning point – the beginning of organic production – and two years later, an infusion of energy as the vineyards began to be cultivated according to biodynamic principles, in harmony with the cosmos. These vineyards, like green amphitheatres, rise vertically as if reaching for the sky. Marl adds its special note to this symphony of nature, giving each sip depth, character and soul.
Ajster Riesling surprises with its bold floral notes and long finish.
JB restaurant, JRE sommelier of the Year
Explore Other Wine Stories 2024
The Wine Stories 2024 were created in collaboration with Fervin, Medot, Scantum, Zaro, Ajster - Pekel, and Herga
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The aim of the project is to create stories of talent and passion that connect and spread the word about the quality of Slovenian wine across Europe.