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Jurij Osole

Jurij Osole, co-owner and head sommelier at TaBar, is a key figure behind the success of this renowned restaurant. His passion for wine and deep knowledge of local organic wines have helped shape an impressive wine list featuring 200 labels and 80 wines by the glass. Jurij believes in the importance of sustainability and collaborates closely with local winemakers, reflected in the carefully selected wines that complement Chef Jakob Pintar's dishes. With his keen sense of taste and dedication to hospitality, Jurij ensures that every visit to TaBar becomes an unforgettable culinary experience, where top-notch cuisine and exceptional wines come together seamlessly.


Ljubljana, Slovenia
JRE Jeunes Restaurateurs

Passeggiando per il centro storico di Lubiana si arriva al delizioso ristorante/enoteca Tabar. Questo affascinante ristorante preferisce offrire agli ospiti una "cena divertente" piuttosto che una cena raffinata, ma che alla fine rimane comunque un'esperienza raffinata. I piccoli piatti sono all'ordine del giorno, un menù pensato per essere condiviso tra amici.

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