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During the JRE-Youthweek all people with the age of 27 and younger get 50% discount on a menu in all JRE restaurants in The Netherlands.

September 29th untill October 5th.


- 50% discount on the menu (ex. drinks)
- Free illy goodiebag
- September 29th untill October 5th
- Reservation at the restaurant, citing JRE-Youthweek and your age
- Not in combination with other arrangements
- Based on availability
- Bring your valid ID


- Call the restaurant for your JRE-Youthweek reservation;
- Take a picture or video during the JRE-Youthweek from your lunch or dinner;
- Post your picture or video on Instagram and/or Facebook;
- Tag JRE-Nederland, JRE-Jongerenweek, illy & the restaurant where you went;
- Follow JRE-Nederland, JRE-Jongerenweek & illy;
- Become a JRE-Inside+ member
- Use #livehappilly & #jrejongerenweek.

The 3 most original pictures/video's will win; an illy coffee machine, a JRE Gifcard with a value of €225,- for a JRE-restaurant of your own choice or an illy Art Collection.

Winning is only possible when the conditions set are met.